Mrs. Samuelson
Back row:
Craig Saunders, Ted Nies, Don Kissinger, Dick Rushworth, Ron? Trujillo, Unknown, Jeff Reiten, Nancy Forsman, Unknown.
Second row:
Dave Merrill, Billy Kiel, Tim Gates, Ron Rognlien, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown , Don Schroder.
Front row:
Becky Manolopolous, Unknown, Unknown, Susan Neider, Tom Hall, Chris Martin, Unknown, Unknown, Mike Figg, Gail Glover.

thanx to Ed Merrill (Dave's Dad) for the photos...
and Patricia Peterson for names...
as well as the erudite Don Schroder...
If you know any of these kids (or would like to make a correction,
please email me at .
Please place them by row and position.

Last updated: December 11, 2005

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