Marcus Whitman: 2nd Grade (Fall) - Mrs. Alder 1959-1960

Top Row: Mrs. Alder, Unknown, Gary Sebade, Roger Kohlas.
2nd Row: Cindy Cates, Unknown, Eddie Eskeli, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Gwen Vaughn.
3rd Row: Trudy Shively, Unknown, Unknown, Doug Crawford, Unknown, Emmet Sommers, Unknown.
Bottom Row: Unknown, Barbara Burnett, Greg Olsen, Unknown, Mac Hankins, Unknown, Mike Dahoney.

thanx to Doug Crawford for the photos... and Lori Simpson (Hogan), Diana Barger and Jerry Bell for updates...!
If you know any of these kids (or would like to make a correction,
please email me at Dan document.write("" + linktext + "") //--> .
Please place them by row and position.

Last updated: June 28, 2020

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